Co-education: Acquiring Knowledge Together

Co-education stands for the system in which boys and girls receive education jointly. The basic premise behind this system is that men and women have to spend their lives in each other's company. So, it is better to give prevalent in those ages. However in medieval ages evidence has been found that women's education was restricted. But even then it was a result of political conditions and not opted out of choice.

The system of co-education has primarily been started by western nations. But it will serve well if we took a deep look at this system before giving it our final judgment. The sexually open society of West does not consider it a big issue to put young boys and girl together in course of their growing up but our culture places great emphasis on inculcating moral purity and strength. And so it seeks to foster it through appropriate training. Western society may be justified in its approach according to its reality but we will have to see this issue in the set up of our culture the training from the beginning of life. By spending their time together since childhood, they will understand each other better.

We come to know through our religious texts that in ancient time's education were given in teacher's home where the pupil lived with his teacher. The pupil received education for the service he did to his teacher. Many references come, of highly learned women in those ages. Their high learning points indicates they must have received education in the same way as a lot of good points issue from co-ed system of education. It is found to facilitate the feeling of equality between the boy and girl, a healthy trait. For ages women had been kept behind the curtains in India. They have been denied education also. It has naturally produced in them inferiority complex. But receiving education together and engaging in all extracurricular activities together will remove it from them. It is also said that the distance between sexes creates fantasy and unnecessary imagination between them. But when both sexes are made to live together right from the childhood it automatically dies also the feelings of fellowship and equality develops between them which are good for future healthy relationships. None sees the other as inferior. It may lead to long lasting marriages and in the modern society where both sexes work shoulder to shoulder. It creates a mature understanding and competition. It becomes easy for both of them to discharge their duties.See more info of writing a paper visit this website

But this system may have its negative points as well. The loss of values, morals, culture is now pointed to the mental state, the co­ed system brings. The offending boldness has taken over the earlier grace of females. In the name of openness, dirty fashion is displayed and the mistaken confidence of young girl tries to grab it. In an age where filial monitoring is becoming less and less this system can incite wild thoughts. As the young minds are very impressionable every care should be taken to mould them on right lines. Corruption, glamour, sexuality, violence all are displayed in modern times with brazenness like never before. So it's all the more important that the different sexes are first made mature and balanced before coming in wider contact. Free sex can be said as one of the worst effects of this system. Both the points dealt above are true and have some merits. It then becomes joint responsibility of our educationists, leaders and sociologists to make a comparative study and apply both in appropriate settings.

Source: An article "Studying together" published in "Outlook" magazine in November, 2008 by R.P. Jones

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